The now long running questionable practices of Government Contractor QTC Management and now QTC Medical, formerly owned by Principi but sold to Lockheed Martin, Principi now lobbies for in Washington, is again under investigation, this time, especially, as to Agent Orange claims by Vietnam Veterans and denial of same!
Principi was one of three VA Secretaries under G.W.Bush that did little to nothing, as same for Conservative Congress while being praised by conservative veterans and country, as that Administration, with the Conservative controlled Congress rubber stamping everything in full support of extremely quickly abandoning the missions and those sent to accomplish after 9/11, for Veterans as Secretary of the VA. Carrying the Conservative torch of VA Secretaries under Republican Executive Administrations in greatly crippling that agency, the People Served Responsibility, so it can eventually be taken over completely and privatized for corporate profits with little to no regulation! Thus making easy wealth from investments in, like much of the Military defense investments already do during War policies, long after Wars and the policy blowbacks from are ended!
June 9, 2016 - A company founded by a former Veterans Affairs secretary has won a major share of more than $6 billion in agency contracts, even as the firm is being investigated on charges that it wrongly denied medical benefits to some veterans.
Winning the major share of a contract for medical exams was QTC Medical, a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin that was founded by former VA Secretary Anthony J. Principi. Since selling his company in 2011, Principi's lobbying firm has taken on Lockheed as a client, specifically to deal with the VA and its need for medical exams.
The contract awarded to QTC of Diamond Bar, Calif., in late March is under challenge from multiple protests filed with the Government Accountability Office.
VA spokesman Henry Huntley said the new contract would be put on a 100-day hold while authorities examine the complaints. That hold, however, means that QTC will continue providing medical exams under its old contract.
Congressional lobbying records show Principi's firm, The Principi Group, registered as the lobbyist for Lockheed Martin in 2014.
In an email response to questions about his lobbying and the recent bids, Principi wrote, “I have not lobbied for QTC on its rebid nor do I have any knowledge or information on any of your other questions.”
Even as the bid was being awarded and protests filed, a House committee has launched its own probe into allegations that QTC routinely denied benefits to veterans suffering from the after-effects of exposure to Agent Orange. read more>>>
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