Hundreds of thousands of WWII, Korean, Vietnam, Desert Storm,...........veterans are dead! All fighting through the decades for care, continued obstruction and thus grossly under funded budgets and underbuilt VA agency, waiting for country served to uphold their Sacrifice, Promises and Responsibility through their representatives, instead of ignoring and out right denying, the so many issues killing them!!
The VA is the people served Responsibility, not Socialized anything but Their Responsibility to Actually Sacrifice, as it's been since it was established but promises never upheld with congressional fixes coming mostly unfunded and peace-meal causing more problems, the way those served seem to really like it that way as they lay blame on the VA personal!!
Like our long time, us Vietnam and frankly all Combat Theaters, Veterans Conservative, one of their experts(?), used to shape their policies, very highly compensated Nemesis: * * Sally Satel Still Selling Care for PTSD Veterans is Waste of Money * * There are plenty of others, they've got a ready stable full of, and plenty of ignored and denied issues, obstructing funding for!!
Or: The way too many examples as to Agent Orange or Gulf War Syndrome, and more, finally being addressed but still limited due to gross under funding which raises other costly problems with Sec Shinseki and continuing with Sec McDonald with the needed help where possible from the Obama Executive Branch and it's Cabinet. Not the Peoples Direct Reps in Congress who Control the Countries Purse Strings and need to tell those served they too have to Sacrifice!!
September 16, 2015 - The Internal Revenue Service revoked the nonprofit status of the veterans benefit organization that hosted and sold tickets to a foreign policy speech by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump aboard a retired U.S. battleship, The Associated Press has learned. The group's endorsement of Trump at the event also could raise legal problems under campaign finance laws. read more>>>
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