01/03/2013 - A hurricane, car crash, physical assault all three extraordinary events. Any of the three can lead to post traumatic stress disorder.
"It's usually after an exposure to an event that seems to be out of the ordinary, traumatic. We think about abuse, we think about a natural disaster where individuals feel their safety feels threatened. Our brains have a way of taking all that information in from our sensory input and really processing that and helping us move forward. But there are times our brains are not able to do that correctly," says Dr. Omar Rieche, Director Behavioral Health Center with Lee Memorial Health System.
NBC-2.com WBBH News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral If you thought PTSD was strictly a military problem, think again. Experts say it can happen anywhere, anytime, to anyone. It's impossible to know who will be a victim of chance.
"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder really can affect any of us if the trauma is enough of a trauma and a person is exposed to a trauma multiple times. Take for example 9/11, we know that studies show there was a radius where people close by were effected to a greater degree but if they looked at the nation there was an increase of PTSD," says Dr. Rieche. read more>>>
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