WASHINGTON – August 28, 2012 - The Department of Veterans Affairs has trained nearly 1,500 providers through its flagship National Women’s Health Mini-Residency Program, one of many training opportunities for VA clinicians to sharpen their women’s health skills.
“We have collaborated throughout VA to develop training that keeps VA providers and staff at the forefront on women’s health issues,” said VA Secretary Eric K. Shinseki. “This training will help VA prepare for the continuing increase in women Veterans and the accompanying complexity of their health care needs.”
VA is offering an unprecedented number of creative education opportunities to its health care providers interested in women’s health care. The training ranges from traditional lectures with direct instruction to online and audio courses. Several courses target physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners; other courses have sections geared toward wider audiences, including nurses, pharmacists, social workers, and psychologists. VA’s Employee Education System and VHA’s Simulation Learning Education and Research Network partnered closely with Women’s Health Education to develop the courses.
“Health care providers throughout VA must understand that women have unique health care needs and that different approaches might be necessary to provide the highest quality care to them,” said VA Under Secretary for Health Dr. Robert Petzel.
Training programs include:
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