Anybody besides me ever wonder why the Rmoney, Ryan, GOTP, even their talking points heads rarely mention anything related to the Veterans community or Especially the ongoing war of choice, Abandoned by the previous quickly for why we sent troops into that region with the first drum beat at Iraq, outside of Not wanting to mention the bush, unless they are directly asked a question on and thus never give a straight answer!
August 22, 2012 - The Republican National Committee (RNC), through its platform subcommittee, has again displayed its political arrogance and contempt for military veterans and Americans who live in the District of Columbia.
Yet, on military veteran’s issues, President Obama has demonstrated overwhelming support to America's military veterans and their families. First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden’s outreach to veterans and their families can be highlighted through the White House Joining Forces Initiative. Speaking to a crowd at the Naval Station Mayport, Florida, the First Lady announced that more than 2,000 businesses who have participated in the Joining Forces initiative have hired or trained more than 125,000 veterans and military spouses.
More than being tone-deaf to the desires of political equality for Americans living in the District of Columbia; the national Republican Party appears to go out of way to show its open disdain toward 617,000 Americans and military veterans. read more>>>
No need to answer the top, as after some four plus decades many of us vets know the answers. Up till a couple of those decades back there used to be soime (R)'s everyone could work with and who carried the real ideology, they are long gone now, every last one of them!
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