Senior Vice Commander-In-Chief [John] Hamilton, thank you for that kind introduction, and congratulations on your election as the next Commander-in-Chief. I look forward to working with you on making things better for Veterans.
Commander-in-Chief [Richard] DeNoyer, thank you for your many years of devotion to Veterans, and for your significant leadership of the VFW this past year. Godspeed to you and your family as you turn over leadership to John.
Let me also acknowledge National Adjutant "Gunner" Kent, National Executive Director Bob Wallace, National Service Director Bill Bradshaw, and other members of your leadership.
To Gwen Rankin, President of your VFW National Ladies Auxiliary, let me offer my thanks for the unwavering support the Auxiliary has provided to Veterans and their families for 100 years now. Congratulations to you and your members—past and present—on reaching such a distinguished milestone of service on behalf of America's Veterans!
Other members of the VFW, fellow Veterans, VA colleagues, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen: read more>>>
Note: I would add what Romney said at the convention, as I did yesterday as to President Obama's but alas the mitt didn't talk about Veterans and the many issues they face, and many have for decades, especially the current veterans. Instead he, like his party members in congress, talked about how tough he would be related to the Defense Industry while using many meme's that remind one of the previous administration but switching administration names to the present!
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