And quite frankly he does and has! Or better his Administration and those around him and the Vice President, actions not just words! Starting during the campaign in running for President, Military, Families of and Veterans especially this present generation but reaching back to issues for us older veterans as well, and has stayed that course since even with the obstruction in congress, DeJa-Vu from a certain political party over the decades that prefers to blame the agency, never a mention nor comparison with their beloved private sector similar issues practices, then do their jobs and the majority of the country like it that way as they also do same, and the long underfunded and ignored by country of many veterans issues, while supporting wars especially, Veterans Administration.
July 23, 2012 - President Barack Obama on Monday used a speech in Reno, Nevada to a major organization of American military veterans to underscore his record on ending the war in Iraq and winding down U.S. combat operations in Afghanistan.
The president is seeking the support of veterans as he runs for reelection in November. He says he wants them to remember the pledge he kept to honorably end America's combat role in Iraq, and gradually end U.S. military involvement in Afghanistan.
Obama says he hopes the steps he has taken to help veterans find jobs in a tough economy and assistance to military families will boost his approval rating, particularly among younger veterans.
Addressing the Veterans of Foreign Wars, or VFW, a 2.1 million member organization, Obama cited all of this, along with U.S. successes against the al-Qaida terror network. The United States is stronger and more respected, he said, because of his leadership.
"As you reflect on recent years, as we look ahead to the challenges we face as a nation and the leadership that is required, you don't just have my words, you have my deeds. You have my track record. You have the promises I have made and the promises that I have kept," Obama said. read more>>>
As the Country, DeJa-Vu, still see's no reason they demand they sacrifice, not only for the wars, the surplus was gone before 9/11 and the rubber stamping deficits started especially for the wars off the books, placed back on with this administration which greatly ballooned the huge and growing deficits left by the previous quickly, and the no bid contracts to special interests, but especially as to the results of that will last for decades, most once again being ignored by the country, DeJa-Vu all over again.
Note: I would add what Romney said at the convention, as I just did Gen. Shinseki's but alas the mitt didn't talk about Veterans and the many issues they face, and many have for decades, especially the current veterans. Instead he, like his party members in congress, talked about how tough he would be related to the Defense Industry while using many meme's that remind one of the previous administration but switching administration names to the present!
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