I'm not from nor in Illinois, but it is very refreshing when one see's, reads or hears clear comments made about what this Country needs to do instead of the established spinning and flip flopping all over especially by the self described oh so patriotic candidates and their supporters. Now this is what we need some more of, not specifically veterans, but at least they know what service means and who and what they serve, the Country and defending the Constitution. Along with what they've experienced they bring along a clear message about the Country from the life altering experiences.
Dec 12, 2011 - You sit down with Chris Miller, 31, and it’s like someone opened windows on both sides of the room and let the decade-old stench of political self-propagation out.
You could breathe again.
Multiply it by a 100 new and uninfluenced faces and voices and there’s a faint hope for America.
“Somebody’s got to be the first,” says the decorated Iraq War veteran of Carbondale of his desire to stand on the floor of Congress and tell anybody who’ll listen, “You’ve got to make service about service again. You’ve got to save the Middle Class. You can’t drown the crew to save the ship.”
“You’ve got to make service about service again" and let me add 'Support the Troops' mean you actually support the soldiers and the veterans of the wars you choose to send this 1% into while supporting their families, all are a tiny tiny population of the whole.
Country Must 'Sacrifice' not just Groups Within nor Just Non Profits Fighting for Donations! What part of 'we serve the Whole Country and not groups within' don't you get?
Chris, a Democrat, is a nine-year veteran of the U.S. Army where he served as an expert in chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense.
snip “The politics of Washington is broken and it is holding back the communities and cities of this district, especially small towns,” he said.
Obama has done what he can, but the 2008 train wreck is still smoking.
Democrats sat on the sidelines for the past election which actually gave the very loud corporate funded teabaggers and their corporate media hypsters the ability to not only call themselves a new political force they were able to keep many of the same reps who brought this country to it's knees, along with being a main cause of other so called western economies to almost totally collapse, and they brought in a boatload of new and even more extreme mentalities to continue the policies of destruction and failed no policies for the country.
He is a decorated combat veteran having received the Combat Action Badge for facing the enemy in armed combat, four awards of the Army Commendation Medal, three awards of the Army Achievement Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, and the Order of the Golden Spur.In 2004 he was awarded the Purple Heart after his military vehicle was attacked by a suicide bomber who drove an explosives-laden truck into his vehicle showering him with glass shrapnel and bursting both his ear drums.
He is a member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), American Legion, and Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. read more>>>
Uh oh, a Decorated Combat Veteran with a Purple Heart, hmmmmm.
Looks like the folks in his district, the ones who used to be (R)'s they no longer exist except in labels only, can brush off their symbols of 'joy' and 'laughter', the 'purple heart bandages', remember those, while sending this new generations soldiers into two more wars, and bring some more smiles and laughter. After all the PBS Newshour did a report on how the, still called by everyone republicans, or rather conservatives, are happier then liberals. So we shouldn't denie them more smiles and laughter, showing their 'patriotism', at the wounded and deadly expense of others!And the folks in Illinois have not one but at least another, one Tammy Duckworth (IL-8), with the same clear message from this generations 1%, not the hoarders but those who Actually Served and Sacrificed, to join with all the way to Washington and a clear slate of policy ideals and idea's for the Country to once again move forward, been way too long in the ditch and obstructing the rescue from, way too long!
And just think, getting back to the Newshour report, these two IL districts (T)'s can have a get together with their you know what's and show all that 'happiness' they have bottled up inside, for I'm not seeing any from their candidates nor in online forums.
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