Don't blame them at all, nor do I buy the contractors excuses or cross blaming the VA, in this age of the commercial and industrial construction industry and what's it's grown into in the past couple of decades. Very few general contractors have in house trades working for them, just office personal and only go down to the supervisors on the site, everything as to actual work is subbed out to very extreme low bid chase where the subs are left to work with fewer personal then needed and cutting back any overtime just so they have a bottom line profit. The subs and the trades are left getting the blame for the cutting corners for bigger bottom lines thus profits by the suits running the contract with very few to none ever actually working in the trades. I know, watched the whole industry go down hill, in the past some twenty years and especially the past decade, with stagnant wages and little to know benefits especially in no union shops for over forty years till not only me but most older experienced trades people were forced out, me now into early retirement I never sought unless I just couldn't do the work anymore, in the economic collapse and not even looked at to hire if they had the need for trades. But it isn't only in this industry but across the board in most business plans in the now some thirty year reaganomic new capitalism, especially the bigger they get and doing business under government contracts with the peoples money flowing their way! Oh and those peoples representatives, especially on the once (R) side of the isle, now all (T)'s, they won't see it that way, they too will lay blame on the VA, see they don't work for you, just watch the hearings or double speak on the tube or in person, all with them lapel flag pins shining along with their partioric support speak!
June 15, 2012 - The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is threatening one of the biggest contractors working on the Orlando VA Medical Center.
The department said the contractor must hurry up and get the job done, or lose its contract.
The VA said the hospital that was supposed to open in October 2012, but it may not open until summer 2013.
Meanwhile, both sides are blaming each other.
At a price tag of $665 million, the medical center is billed as anchoring the Lake Nona "Medical City."
“We will add to the Lake Nona synergy,” said Timothy Liezert, the VA Medical Center’s director. “We are big in health care obviously. We are big in research. We are big in resident education. All those things will complement the medical cluster currently going on.”
But VA officials said their contractor, Brasfield & Gorrie, is holding up the process.
“The best way to answer that is I'm a veteran so my true care and concern is for other veterans. So there's frustrations with the fact that we can't get this built for them,” said VA Senior Resident Engineer Bart Bruchok.
The VA issued what’s called a contract cure notice, which gives the contractor a written notice to hurry up and hire the people necessary to get the job done. read more>>>
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