And cheer those on, when they come home though that's another story, till the next war and group of. Those cheering still not Demanding they Sacrifice, from any country, while either demanding the occupations continue or more likely, as they've totally lost interest, start demanding to bring them home so then they, after not seeking accountability as to those that ordered then abandoned the mission years back to destroy another can now start accusing those in the present! This is happening with any country who's sent soldiers into these present conflicts, reports of abound!
May 23, 2012 - The Government is not doing enough to look after our shell-shocked soldiers returning from war-torn hot-spots like Afghanistan, says a leading Christchurch veterans service.
Rannerdale Veterans Hospital and Home, founded in 1920 to provide healthcare and support for Boer War survivors, says New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) veterans are suffering in silence.
General manager Stephen Shamy says post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or post-deployment syndrome, is affecting many returning war heroes, but mainstream psychological health services aren't geared up to help them. read more>>>
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