Yup, now this'll work, NOT!!
Not even getting the important message out, but it'll really make the participants feel all 'patriotic' all over, like takin the little ones to a parade, but more effort then wavin a flag though unless a big flag. It's not a conservative pushed media hyped 'scandal', done that many times on same issues with no help from unless trolling for, patriotic, votes then unfunded weak legislation, caused by them and the people served, as those served 'don't care'!
Especially getting the high bracket infamous, extremely happy with the extra wealth from the two huge tax cuts 'thank you' and more since, involved in the, Poser, patriotic messages and video's of! And once Again not giving the message that should be, demanding that those served finally actually 'sacrifice' themselves as they demand the Military and Families of do!!
The Rock does the push-up challenge. INSTAGRAM/THE ROCK
August 16, 2016 - Move over ice buckets, there's a new challenge rippling through social media: push ups. Twenty-two, in fact.
You knock them out, then challenge someone else to do it. Everyone from stars like John Krasinski and The Rock to a class of Texas state trooper recruits is getting involved.
The 22 Push-Up Challenge is designed to focus attention on a tragedy, reports CBS News' Jim Axelrod. For years, it was estimated that 22 veterans committed suicide each day -- 7,400 a year.
"When the statistics came out that 22 veterans a day were committing suicide it was almost unbelievable. We wanted to find out more where this number came from," said Retired Marine Don Nguyen, deputy director of 22Kill, the foundation behind the challenge.
Two summers ago, the Ice Bucket Challenge raised $115 million. But 22Kill says their primary goal is to raise awareness, not money.
Conservative ideology Worldwide: Like our long time Vietnam and since Veterans, Conservative, Nemesis, one of their experts(?), who's never served especially in a War Theater as to Combat Theater PTS, and has greatly harmed civilians who've lived extreme traumatic, thus PTS, experiences that haunt their lives and for years being misdiagnosed. Used to shape conservative policies, and very highly compensated: February 19, 2011 * Sally Satel Still Selling Care for PTSD Veterans is Waste of Money *, March 2 2006 - * For Some, the War Won't End *, August 21, 2006 - * Stressed Out Vets: Believing the worst about post-traumatic stress disorder *, Feb 29 2008 - * Since when did Sally Satel care about PTSD Veterans? *. There are plenty of others, they've got a ready stable full of go to {experts?}, and plenty of unfunded, underfunded or ignored and outright denied issues!! In short what is meant is the Country served owes Nothing to the Veterans who've served and are all, or mostly, slackers, looking for a free handout from those they've served, sound conservatively familiar and oft used as to many issues, as they refuse to 'sacrifice' themselves, why they don't even pay for the Wars, Deja-Vu!!
Not just as to the VA but Government wide as they seek to privatize, with little or no regulation, for corporate profits all of government, keeping only administrations in the agencies so they can call them government agencies still and have someone to blame and attack for the created media hyped 'scandals', many repeated over and over!!
By the way Sally and Conservative brethren. Like most of my brothers and sisters I'm a Vet Not receiving a disability VA check, mental nor physical, but now getting Great Care through the VA, and the Caring staffs of, since retiring, through Medicare which I already paid into and pay premiums through SS monthly now, ya all owe me and the very few rest, especially from War Theaters, that!! Especially after these recent, still ongoing blowback from the policies, for corporate profit long conflicts!!
August 13, 2016 - A SHAMEFUL number of Aussie soldiers return from war zones depressed, anxious, in despair but unable to find help. Grieving families of war veterans who have taken their own lives say their loved ones might still be alive today if they’d received adequate support from authorities. >>>
Especially for the Corporate and Wealthy Community, investors in Defense Industries, and for these, Afghanistan and Iraq, came Two Huge Tax Cuts, with more sweetheart deals to same from states and the fed!! And that covers much more in the Deficits, like even paying for war policies and the results from and much more, then just the, grossly under funded thus not properly built nor properly maintained, and not conservative obstructionists pols concern, VA budgets!!
Any Governments Veterans Administration are the people served Responsibility! Not another corporate profit seeking entity off of war as now much of the privatized military has become, just look how fast and big the government funded corporate merc army/intelligence was built above all laws and caused more lasting deadly damage to the American, once proud in leadership and morals, brand on the world stage! Not socialized anything but their Responsibility to Actually Sacrifice, as it's been since they were established but promises never upheld with, in America, Congressional fixes coming mostly unfunded and piece-meal causing more problems, the way those served seem to really like it that way as they lay blame on the VA personal!!
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