Rep Miller, poser patriot trolling for votes, loves holding hearings. Often on same issues as in past and always with no Congressional, nor People Served represented, help in actually addressing, but for the media hyped 'scandals' and attacks on Veterans Administration personal!
All he and the rest of Congress need do is look in the Congressional records, they do have tax payer paid staff, to find All the answers needed, especially as to obstruction, underfunding and underbuilt as well as under maintained a responsibility of Congress in All Government agencies and more!!
'Make America Great Again' {?}
What 'again' are they talking about!!
The people are disenfranchised, especially conservatives, and are showing it, reason for a Trump?
What 'disenfranchisement' are they experiencing, Especially conservatives!!
In my lifetime, and especially as a Veteran of a War Theater, last year of a four year tour, the Conservative ideology, often the extremist of, have controlled the Executive branch, most terms, thus the Veterans Administration!
July 26, 2016 - The chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Veterans Affairs has broadened his request for information on two former soldiers involved in mass shootings in Texas and Louisiana.
In a letter Tuesday to the secretary of Veterans Affairs, Florida Rep. Jeff Miller requested a briefing on all VA services received by Army reservist Micah Johnson, who shot and killed five Dallas cops and wounded nine other law enforcement officers in a July 7 attack on a peaceful downtown protest rally.
Miller asked for similar records last week on Gavin Long, the former Marine and Iraq war veteran who killed three law enforcement officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on July 17.
The attacks followed protests sparked by the deaths of two black men — Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge and Philando Castile in Minnesota — by white police officers.
The Republican congressman requested "unredacted" copies of Johnson's full medical records and VA claims files. read more>>>
The conservative ideology: Like our long time Veterans Conservative Nemesis, one of their experts(?), used to shape their policies, and very highly compensated: * Sally Satel Still Selling Care for PTSD Veterans is Waste of Money * There are plenty of others, they've got a ready stable full of go to {experts?}, and plenty of unfunded ignored and denied issues!!
In my lifetime, and especially as a Veteran of a War Theater, the Conservative ideology have control the legislative powers of Congress, either directly in one or both Houses of or with the Obstructive filibuster numbers in at least one while controlling the other or in both if minority of! And in this century a number of States have fallen under same control!
July 24 2016 - Trump is blaming Obama for police shootings. But seven years ago Republicans halted a federal study that sought to detect potential radicalization by veterans. read more>>>
And especially in recent times, like since the turn of this Century, they have not only maintained that legislative control in the Federal Government, while not governing, they have gained control of even more States, both Executively and Legislatively!!
What is or is not done doesn't 'Not' affect one because they scream they're 'conservative' and not now a dirty word 'liberal' everything done or not done or legislatively watered down affects everybody, and often if possible needs to be undone, extremist of costing great in time and monies, meanwhile causing great damage or harm to the masses, and even the planet, no matter ideology!!
The present Obama Administration has been under extremist attacks since day one, often Dems are helping in those attacks, across the board. But these attacks on as to the media hyped, conservatives, 'scandals' of the VA, many others, this entire Administration has been fighting, while grossly obstructed again as to funding, to Finally Build what the People Served Promised and Yet Have Delivered!! DeJa-Vu: “With no shared sacrifices being asked of civilians after Sept. 11", Decades and War From, All Over Again!!
Starting with Sec. Shinseki with a conservative target on him and Thankfully continuing under Sec. MacDonald, after conservatives finally hit the mark on that target!!
From trying to build a system, grossly underfunded or unfunded congressional legislation passed in trolling for them, Poser, patriotic votes, in integrating these younger vets of two more, profit generating wars and long occupations, to addressing long ignored or outright denied, by those served, veterans issues!! All on, grossly under funded and under built and under maintained, mostly borrowed monies with interest, i.e. deficits!!
So look in the mirrors, especially conservatives, you've always had that 'again' the trump is yelling and you're screaming about!!!
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