Ahhhhh, Tis the, much more then 'christian{?}', Season, 'Happy Holidays!'
Recent reports claim VA is blocking holiday celebrations. They do not!
As much as the, Poser, patriotic, conservative especially, civilian, and even some veterans among them, population wants to label those few of us who've served them, especially in our wars, and it's military as 'christian', along with the population, it just ain't so and never has been!!
Those few, of us, who've served the many not only come from many religious ideologies, some with no religious affiliations, like, yes Trump Muslim, but also every walk of societies lives, not so many from them wealthy, politically connected or striving to join the political arena, Cruz and Rubio here's lookin at ya, ranks, and every skin tone color, always have!!
Frankly if that's what you wanted you should have demanded the Bush/Cheney/Cabal label the no bid contracted, extremely expensive, still not paid for, rapidly built private corporation mercenary army, under no regulation nor the UCMJ military codes and laws of, as 'christian' to satisfy them 'christian{?} souls of yours, too late and that damage was done and continues in the blowback from!!
VA appreciates religious groups and other organizations that wish to celebrate the holidays with our Veterans. Here are the guidelines to help you observe the season with our patients and residents.November 24, 2015 - May your organization or church group visit VA hospitals over the holiday season to sing Christmas carols for our Veterans? Sure. What about the Jewish, Muslim and other faiths? You are welcome.
May you donate cards and gifts if they have a religious message? Of course.
You’ll need to check with the hospital first to coordinate your visit.
Here are all the rules and regulations. Click on the link for a 9-page memo that spells it all out. Some of the most frequently asked questions are below. read more>>>
Oh, and Trump, especially your supporters including any veterans foolish enough to support any conservative, see the above, I highlighted for ya, about Muslims and Other Faiths. Yes they do serve you all and have, but especially in this recent decade plus and the 21st century, for as long as we've had a military!
And to those like the Trump, a so called, military style private high school education does Not make you a Veteran, especially along with us who've served in this countries war theaters, Not Even Close!! You're no different then those in my time, you Trump never served with us, Vietnam, who's connections got them into the 'champagne guard units', though they do have a leg up on ya they actually were in the military even if they shirked some of that duty, or the rest of the 'chickenhawks' that love to bluster about their patriotism and tough guy images, self built. Like those in these times, especially as to 9/11, like Rubio who just turned 43 this year or the Cruz who opted into political cushy job, still wonder or why how he got hired, at 43. After the Bushco gave them more then ample time by raising the Voluntary Recruitment age Twice to 42 as the few were serving multiple tours in the Afghan and Iraq theaters, as well as in support of!!
And those in the Trump top brackets, ya all haven't paid a dime since 9/11, conservatives now like to use that as their 'trump' card of strong on national defense, along with them huge defense budgets, what with them two huge Bush tax cuts, as two more wars were waged, extremely quickly abandoning the missions and those sent to accomplish after 9/11, and the many other schemes and perks congress has bestowed on ya!!
And to you employee's within, bringing your politics past the entrances of the VA facilities, Knock It Off!! You're damaging the moral of the mostly very dedicated staff members of as you continue helping feed their, conservatives, wants for media hyped 'scandals' as they refuse to fully fund and fully maintain, decades now, the Country Served Responsibility the Veterans Administration!!!
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