Whether or not the people served, with their poser patriotic flags a flying, through their obstructionist representatives, decide they finally should Sacrifice, the VA is their duty, their responsibility and their promises to those few, decades and wars from, especially, of not!! They never built the VA as promised! Grossly under funded, especially during and after our wars, VA budgets are and have been mostly borrowed capital, deficits for decades, with interest payments, with legislative unfunded bills passed, all causing the needed media hyped conservative 'scandals', previous hearings on with nothing done after, in want to privatize for corporate profit with little to no regulation, just agency administration left, with little control over the corporate entities, to lay blame on in future congressional, media hyped 'scandal', hearings!
June 18, 2015 - The Department of Veterans Affairs said Thursday it has decided to extend benefits for Agent Orange exposure to Air Force reservists who flew C-123 aircraft contaminated with the herbicide.
The change in benefits will go into effect immediately for up to 2,100 personnel who flew and trained on the cargo aircraft, which were put into service in the United States in the early 1970s to the 1980s after being used to spray herbicide in the Vietnam War.
The VA denied the benefits but began re-examining the issue after lobbying by veterans and a recent study confirming the possibility of health risks.
“Opening up eligibility for this deserving group of Air Force veterans and reservists is the right thing to do,” VA Secretary Bob McDonald said in a release.
The benefits will cover 14 medical conditions associated with exposure to Agent Orange. The VA urged veterans who served in three units based in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts from 1969 to 1986 to file claims. Others stationed with units in Florida, Arizona, Virginia, the Philippines, South Korea, Panama and Taiwan might also have been exposed. read more>>>
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