Long know it helps by Veterans, especially the Korean and Vietnam brothers, as the Country added PTS and More, mostly conservative ideologies, to the long list of either ignored or out right denied issues, especially from our wars, through their representatives so they needn't have to pay, Sacrifice, as to the results suffered by those who served them! As Veterans sought self medication for those issues and finding other means, like alcohol and other drugs, causing more problems then help and relief.
Growing group of veterans have found marijuana to be a relief from pain, post-traumatic stress and depression
March 19, 2015 - Edwin McClannan lives in pain every day.
The retired Army first sergeant injured his spine during a parachute accident and, in the years since, has been prescribed a laundry list of medications to help him cope.
But the best relief he has found has not come from a pill. It came in the form of a cupcake.
McClannan mistakenly ate the sweet, brought home by a son and baked with marijuana, several years ago.
It was one of the few times he has had real relief from the pain since before being crushed under 125 pounds of military equipment in a jump.
"It's all over my body. I'm in pain right now," McClannan said. "I can't sleep at night because of the pain."
McClannan, like more than a dozen others socializing in a Fayetteville restaurant last month, is part of a growing group of veterans who have found marijuana to be a relief from pain, post-traumatic stress and depression.
Now, they are hoping to push state lawmakers to help them get legal access to the drug.
"For me, any break in the pain is critical," McClannan said. "It's very attractive to me. But I'm one of those anal-retentive, law-abiding citizens." read more>>>
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