The Veterans Administration is the Responsibility of the Citizens Served. Those Served have Not built the Agency promised to the few who Sacrifice for them. To easy to follow the conservative politics lines, even for many veterans especially of that political persuasion, of laying blame on the agency personal operating in the long term Under Funded Budgets, thankfulness for the always many VA volunteers from young to old, obstructed while easily ignoring issues and having some lead the meme's wanted of out right denying many issues. Throw a few million out, peoples representatives, every now and then for studies that will bring back results wanted, to 'trusted' so called 'experts', to maintain those meme's as well. Veterans do not want the conservative ideology of a VA in private corporate hands for corporate profit, bringing in their many problems while they're cash flush but not maintaining a health system as they should while building more profit from low tax rates as well. They don't want those they served to fulfill the promises made, not magnetic ribbons, not flag waving, poser, patriotism, not lapel flag pins, not easy to come by and hollow spoken patriotic meme's. They don't want Congressional hearings purely set up as attack the agency personal with nothing developing from, when legislation does come out it's often hollow and used for further attacks as it wasn't funded and paid for by those served it's just political points being made and used by the pols, then repeated for the same problems created by them and over the decades and wars from. Like building a structure, any structure, if built cutting corners and little problems arise they lead to much bigger problems that cost tons more, even little problems fixes add bigger costs, to fix which then bring out hidden problems, cycle repeated, where if built correctly the future maintenance on is easier to maintain and control, and much much much cheaper!
It’s official: Since its November debut, only a handful of veterans have opted to seek care from private-sector providers under the controversial Choice Card privatization program. In fact, it has been used by just 3% of veterans who are eligible, or 27,000 veterans out of 700,000. The number is even smaller when compared with the 9 million veterans who currently use VA health care.
Secretary Bob McDonald is asking for authorization to divert funding from the program to staff up the VA. AFGE has been calling for the VA to address access barriers including short staffed primary care teams and closed hospital beds as well more funds to modernize and maintain buildings.
The Choice Card program was created following the waitlist scandal caused by mismanagement and severe shortages of clinical staff and space in clinics and hospitals. Instead of fully funding the VA over the past decade so it has the facilities and staff it needs, lawmakers have pressured the agency to send even more veterans to for-profit private providers such as those participate in the Choice Card program. read more>>>
“As far as I can tell, the choice card has created more confusion and aggravation than improving access to clinical care, though it did gain political points,” said one VA primary care doctor
They don't want elected representatives, who control the countries purse strings, running from their responsibilities by blaming Executive Branches, unless said Executive is leading in obstructing the agencies budgets and they're rubber stamping those wants. They want peoples representatives telling those they represent that it's their responsibility to maintain properly their agency promised, Sharing in the Sacrifice they demand those serving, and their families, are faced with. This present Executive Administration has been consistent, and it's full Cabinet, first time in my lifetime, in helping the VA, under Gen Shinseki who finally started addressing those long ignored and out right denied issues and now under McDonald carrying that forward as well, while the same long term problems, for media 'scandals', continue to surface as conservatives maintain their obstructions! Even these wars, and the growth in the blowback from, have yet to be paid for!
Neither of these recent wars have yet been paid for, nor the continued blowback from the spread and growth from the policies implemented!
Neither the long term results from, including the long ignored or outright denied existence of, till this Administrations Cabinet and Gen Shinseki, only Government branch consistent for the past six years, Veterans issues from!
As well as under deficits most of the, grossly under funded for decades and the wars from now, VA budget is still borrowed, with interest, thus added problem creating costs, with representative who control the purse strings blaming the mostly dedicated VA personal within, that shouldn't exist!
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