Rarely Pro-Active as to Veterans' issues, though they do like to take credit when Veterans fight and win as they continue helping the conservative wants to privatize for corporate profit the VA like our wars, the long long ignored or outright denied many issues over the decades and wars from, that aren't paying members of the national organization. Same for most of the long running national veterans orgs.. Finally recognizes that Women serving the many, Poser Patriots that refuse to Sacrifice and follow the conservative lines in attacking the Veterans Administration personal, have Served Honorably! Seems those served, Poser Patriots led by the media and the continuing FOX speak, are once again trying to keep this very low keyed. As this report, one of only a couple found about, is a quick blurp in the NY Times, like they want those 99%plus served to continue thinking they always have publicly Honored the service of the Women Veterans' in the charter and not just the oh so cheap and hollow words and symbols when needed!
NOV. 21, 2014 - So the V.F.W. is changing, too, winning congressional approval to alter the wording of its charter. No longer is it “a national association of men” who served in wartime; it is one of “veterans.” And it is no longer to assist “widows” — rather, “surviving spouses.” The changes, approved at the national convention, were made in bills just passed by the House and Senate. “We didn’t change our congressional charter to be politically correct,” read more>>>
I waited a few days after first seeing this blurp to see if any other outlets would pick up the report on and maybe expand the coverage of, didn't, like it was a quick friday news dump to fill a few lines of type!! Not able to use as the many freebee's and sales specials on the just past Veterans Day nor a regurgitated congressional, peoples representatives, created long running same 'scandal's' with new hearings on and with new political twists as well as the Holidays, of Jesus birth, Black Friday is quickly approaching so space is valuable!
Neither of these recent wars have yet been paid for, let alone the results from, including the long ignored or outright denied existence of, till this Administrations Cabinet and Gen Shinseki, only Government branch consistent for the past six years, issues! As well as under deficits most of the, grossly under funded, VA budget is still borrowed thus added, problem creating, costs that shouldn't exist!
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