What the f**k is there to 'negotiate'? You tell those you represent it's way past time they Sacrifice, these present wars are yet paid for! You demand they stop ignoring the many issues Veterans come back from those, flag waving patriotic, wars continue fighting for care for, decades now! You stop throwing millions at studies to get the results you already know will come back from and those served want! You stop supporting those that make comfortable livings writing and speaking what you want to hear that the issues don't exist! The proof is right in front of you and you represent them as well, after they've served!
“We’re not going to get into a squabble about whether you cut back on education or food stamps in order to fund the needs of veterans,” said Sanders. “That is the debate that shut down the government. That is not a way that we treat our veterans.
Sanders Says Outlook Good For VA Health Care Reform
July 7, 2014 - Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., said he’s optimistic that a comprehensive VA health care reform package will win final approval in Congress in the near future.
Sanders said the proposal is needed to ensure that all veterans receive critical medical services in a timely manner.
As the chairman of the Senate’s Veterans Affairs committee, Sanders has played a key role in developing a plan to deal with a crisis facing the VA health care system.
Several months ago, it was revealed that some VA medical personnel falsified records to hide how long veterans had waited for essential services.
The House and Senate have passed their own bills that make important changes to the VA health care system and the issue is now being considered by a conference committee. read more>>>
It went well beyond 'daunting' decades back! As the Country served continues to not demand they Sacrifice especially as to the flag waving 'patriotic' wars the few are sent into! Those served quickly ignore the many costly issues related to those wars and are long lasting results from! The Shinseki VA, with help from this entire Executive Branch, finally started addressing these long ignored issues while addressing the needs of the present, two long wars, Veterans ignored during the previous Administrations especially the just previous, they don't make the budgets needed Congress does and they serve the greater 99%, flag waving, public served!
We who've served, those serving and will continue doing so, don't served the private sector corporation, they now have their own extremely expensive merc army, that's even part of intelligence gathering community, that they don't pay for we do. We serve the Country and it's Constitution, the whole Country, who's responsibility is the Veterans Administration agency!
Keep in mind all that's already been spent on the many House Benghazi kangaroo hearings!!
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