Remember All that flag waving magnetic bumper sticker 'Poser Patriotism' only a few weeks back, well when it comes to Veterans' DeJa-Vu all over again, and again, and................:
Gen Shinseki, with a target on him since speaking Military truth and bush fired him, with help from the Executive branches Cabinet and personal, had finally started doing what the Congress and the people they represent had refused to do, addressing the long ignored and denied issues from the previous decades and wars from while working to address this generations Veterans issues, not done under the previous, especially recent, VA administrations and bush Executive branch!! The conservatives got their 'Mission Accomplished' their problems thus solved, so move on to other 'scandals' they caused or are making up to see if it sticks to the wall so their followers can parrot it far and wide and ignore the reality!
Here's hoping that continues, and that the Country served decides to uphold it's responsibility and sacrifice themselves as they demand the Military personal and their Families do!!
Jul 23, 2014 - The chairman of the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee said Wednesday there is still time for Congress to approve a landmark bill to improve health care services for veterans, despite deep disagreement over how much the changes will cost and how they should be paid for.
"It really would be a disgrace if we adjourn (for the month of August) without a bill," said Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. "The good news is I think that we can bring forth a bill which deals with contracted-out care for veterans ... and I think we can also strengthen the VA."
Negotiations over a bill to bolster the beleaguered Department of Veterans Affairs in response to a furor over long patient wait times and falsified records to cover up the delays have bogged down over costs and how much the VA should turn to outside doctors to address the backlog.
Acting VA Secretary Sloan Gibson said last week the VA needs at least $17.6 billion over the next three years to hire 10,000 doctors, nurses and other health care aides, lease new facilities and upgrade its computer system. read more>>>
Acting VA Secretary Sloan Gibson said last week the VA needs at least $17.6 billion over the next three years to hire 10,000 doctors, nurses and other health care aides, lease new facilities and upgrade its computer system.
what Gen Shinseki was finally trying to do, with the continued grossly under funded VA budgets of decades and wars from, as he also added the long ignored and denied issues of previous decades and wars from, while congress, conservatives, were totally obstructing, not only him but all of the government, the responsibility of fully funding thus building what always should have been the peoples responsibility to those very few that serve them as they wave their flags of, poser, patriotism!!
Chief, attack mutt, House Veterans' Obstructionist Rep Miller:
House Veterans' Affairs Committee Chair Jeff Miller blew off a compromise plan from Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee Chair Bernie Sanders
07/24/14 - Negotiations between the House and Senate over legislation reforming the Veterans Affairs Department appeared to be melting down on Thursday.Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) accused his House counterpart of not being serious about negotiations after Rep. Jeff Miller (R-Fla.) called for a meeting of House and Senate conferees.
Miller’s announcement of the meeting appeared to represent a rejection of the latest offer from Sanders, which he unveiled on Thursday and proposed to House members on Monday.
With Congress set to be in Washington for only one more week, it increasingly looks like there will be no legislation approved to help fix the VA after a major controversy erupted earlier this year when it was learned thousands of veterans were waiting months to get treatment. read more>>>
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