20 July 2014 - I received a phone call from Mrs, Testvet today and she and I are planning a visit here at our home this week. I went back and reread some of Mike's old diaries. I thought I remembered most but this one really caught my eye.
How could congress be so ridiculous to NOT know this all was happening long before President Obama was even elected? jimstaro, llbear, Danang me and so many others on here knew the score when this was unraveling. The wheels of justice move slow but the mess that fell on the General's head should be reminded daily to those so called legislators who used General Shinseki as a Gotcha moment for an Obama scandal.. After re reading Testvet 6778 old diary, I just got infuriated all over again.. What a great advocate Mike was. He inspired not only me but wanted calls to action waaaaaaaaay back in 2008. I was not in Florida in 2008 but here Congressman Miller is screaming for heads and chairing comittees while acting like the VA just fell apart under this administration should have known about the 41 investigations that the General inherited.
How dare he? Rich Nuggent, the so called legislator from the 11th district who came into power in 2010 (if he really cared) should then and NOW, which he is not, be up to speed on the VA Medical Center in his own district in Florida.
The shredders were shredding, the backlogs were there and 41 out of 57 VA facilities were being investigated
Mike Bailey ( Testvet wrote this, right here on DK's in 2008_ read more>>>
While under the bushes:
And more disturbing, under both bushes, in relation to even before and through the early years of the Afghanistan, quickly abandoned missions of, and Iraq occupations, this:
ProPublica and The Seattle Times Nov. 9, 2012 - Lost to History: Missing War Records Complicate Benefit Claims by Iraq, Afghanistan Veterans
DeLara's case is part of a much larger problem that has plagued the U.S. military since the 1990 Gulf War: a failure to create and maintain the types of field records that have documented American conflicts since the Revolutionary War.
Keep in mind, two tax cuts, especially for the wealthy and corporations, came with these two recent very long wars and occupations, from the beginning, while all the war costs were rubber stamped onto the countries credit card, with little to nothing done for the Veterans of till the present Administration came in and the total congressional obstruction started!! With some help to the Executive branches Cabinet efforts and thus the VA for the Veterans when the Democrats controlled the House briefly. Huge deficits mean borrowing for that help, while the conservatives fought to cut or block added Responsibility to fund the VA. And that was just for these present younger Veterans, the Shinseki administration started addressing long ignored issues as to our previous decades and wars from under that under funding and with the Executives help!
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