June 19, 2014 - Chapter 1093 of the Vietnam Veterans of America, Sierra Vista, Ariz. will hold a Town Hall meeting to address the birth defects, diseases, and learning disabilities affecting the children and grandchildren of Vietnam veterans. The forum will be held on Saturday June 21, 2014 at 11 a.m., at the Sierra Vista United Methodist Church at 5225 St. Andrews Dr.
“We cannot be silent about the effects of our battlefield exposures on our children in the face of overwhelming evidence connecting many diseases and birth defects to exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam,” said Bill Colberg, President of VVA Chapter 1093.
“We encourage all veterans with children and/or grandchildren suffering from illnesses, learning disabilities, or physical disabilities to come share their stories. We will explore issues surrounding Agent Orange exposure, including scientific information, health effects, and methods for educating the public and elected representatives about the issues of Vietnam veterans, their children, and their families, said Colberg. read more>>>
Which was Finally being addressed under the Gen Shinseki VA, along with many other issues, as the Country served still ignores!
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