Oct 12, 2013 - The All the Way Home Conference in Dubuque Saturday brought veterans from the Tri-State area to Dubuque. The conference aims to clear up confusion about what resources are available for veterans here at home. But this year, one vital agency was missing due to the government shutdown. Jim Wagner is co-founder of The Veteran's Freedom Center in Dubuque.
"It wasn't that the United States Department of Veterans Affairs didn't want to come, but with the government shutdown they could not come," Wagner said. read more>>>
The problem in all that's happening now, and has been in holding the country hostage now for years, isn't in 'negotiating' with the Executive branch but doing so within the teapublicans house caucus, and from listening and reading the comments from many of them, frankly on every issue and now for years, it's showing many have a big problem doing so within themselves and those voices in their heads!!
It's understanding the reasons why the capitalism instituted, free market trickle down con, has the rewards of the labor done going to the top and not shared with respect with those creating and not crunching bottom lines which bring on added needs!! It's saying one supports but refuses to sacrifice themselves, like the six years of rubber stamping on the countries credit card, billions upon billions upon billions.........., before two wars of choice, cheering the abandoning of missions of why our military was sent after 9/11 so quickly, with and after on other issues and refusing to pay those bills!
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