October 4, 2013 - The Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services (ADVS) remains open to serve Arizona’s veterans during the federal government shutdown.
"Although the federal shutdown affects some services provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, ADVS remains fully operational to meet the needs of our veterans and their families," said Ted Vogt, ADVS director.
A prolonged federal government shutdown will close the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Phoenix Regional Office to the public at 5 p.m. Friday, 4 October. However, State Veteran Benefits Counselors normally located at the VA Phoenix Regional Office will be available at the Arizona State Veteran Home-Phoenix beginning 8 a.m., Monday, 7 October to serve our veterans with their claims. All other ADVS offices throughout the State remain open as normal. read more>>>
RENO, NV - Oct 05, 2013 - The government shutdown is causing concern and confusion among those who rely on its services.
For veterans, it's a mixture of good and bad.
The good news is the wing of the VA that provides medical care is funded on a separate cycle. That means Reno's Veterans Administration Medical Center and its clinics in Fallon, Minden and Susanvile will be operating as usual.
"If you have an appointment or if you need health care and you're enrolled in our hospital, please come in or please make your appointment because it's business as usual," says V-A spokesman Darin Farr. read more>>>
October 5, 2013 - The recent federal government shutdown won't close Veterans Affairs health clinics or cancel veterans' appointments, but there could be a wrinkle if staff are furloughed at a VA hub in New York City.
Bonnie Stewart, deputy director of the Franklin County Veterans Services Agency, told the Franklin County Board of Legislators that the VA clinics in Saranac Lake and Malone were safe this week, but she didn't know what next week will bring. She said the VA regional office in New York City might close as early as Monday, which would mean the local clinics wouldn't have a home base to process their claims.
"We were told last week that they would be shutting the doors and just have someone in the mailroom to date-stamp things, because our comp claims and pension claims are very time sensitive," Stewart said. "We're faxing informal claims a lot to that building, and I don't know how that's going to work. I don't think there will be anyone at a fax machine to catch those." read more>>>
MUSKOGEE - October 5, 2013 - The Muskogee Regional Veterans Administration Office will begin furloughing workers on Tuesday unless Congress and the Obama administration agree on funding legislation, officials said Friday.With nearly 1,400 workers, the office is Muskogee County's largest employer and the largest VA regional office in the country. It processes nearly half of all VA education benefit claims and houses the VA's only call center for education benefit inquiries. The center takes about 3.4 million calls a year.
It was not immediately clear if similar cutbacks would be seen at all 56 VA regional offices, although it seemed likely given the administration's shutdown plan. read more>>>
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