WASHINGTON — 06/27/2013 - The U.S. Department of Labor's Veterans' Employment and Training Service today announced the award of 121 grants, totaling almost $29 million, to provide more than 14,000 veterans across the nation with job training, job placement, housing and other services. The grants were awarded through the Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program.
"Military service members and their families have been asked to make tremendous sacrifices for this nation. Although homelessness among veterans has fallen, too many of our heroes cannot find jobs or homes," said acting Secretary of Labor Seth D. Harris. "These grants will provide those who have served our nation with the means to find meaningful civilian employment and chart new directions for their lives."
The HVRP grants will help homeless veterans reintegrate into society and the labor force while providing effective services aimed at addressing the complex challenges that homeless veterans often confront. The services provided by grantees will include job placement, on-the-job training, career counseling, life skills and money management mentoring, as well as help in finding housing. read more>>>
After he was discharged from the Army, Gregory Morales visited the Employment Development Department in Merced, Calif., seeking veteran employment services. "I was lost and didn't know where to start," he said. Donald Strong, an Air Force veteran and Disabled Veteran Outreach Program Specialist, stepped in. He offered Morales a career assessment and enrolled him in a workshop to sharpen his interview skills and refine his resume.
When Strong left the military, he received similar help at the same Merced EDD and enrolled in a Department of Veterans Affairs Work-Study program. Eventually, he was hired as a DVOP. Strong thought Morales would bring "passion and new ideas on how to market to younger veterans," so he steered Morales into the same VA Work-Study program to help other veterans with online job applications and resume preparation. Strong's efforts have paid off, as Morales recently was hired by EDD.
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