A readmission is when a patient needs to return to the hospital less than 30 days after being discharged. Many factors may lead to hospital readmissions, such as a gap in the transition between different providers and care settings. Among other reasons, readmissions may also occur if patients do not receive adequate information or resources to aid in recovery.
For patients: There are many things you can do to minimize preventable readmissions:
* * Make sure you fully understand your condition and your discharge instructions, and follow them exactly
* * Educate yourself as much as possible about any medications or services you may require
* * Arrange for the support and follow-up care you may need upon arriving home
* * Order any equipment or supplies you may need and make sure to stay on top of your medication needs, calling in refills far enough in advance so that you do not run out prematurely and miss a dose.
* * If you had surgery, learn how to dress and care for your surgical woundFor providers: The MHS has selected the Project Re-Engineered Discharge intervention for implementation at all Military Treatment Facilities. The RED intervention includes 11 discrete, mutually reinforcing components and has been shown to reduce re-hospitalizations by as much as 30 percent.
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