March 15, 2013 - The leader of The American Legion has come out swinging in defense of Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki. Shinseki, a retired four-star Army general and decorated Vietnam War combat veteran, is the primary target of a scathing, yet-to-be-published TIME Magazine piece penned by prominent columnist Joe Klein. The article, titled "Ten Years After: a National Disgrace" lambastes Shinseki for maintaining a low public profile while veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan suffer mass unemployment and stigma related to widespread and misleadingly alarming media reports of emotional distress among the young former service members.
Klein also pins responsibility, at least in part, on Shinseki for the Department of Veterans Affairs' (VA) large and continuing benefits claims backlog and the failure of VA and the Department of Defense to institute an integrated electronic medical records system. Of Shinseki, Klein says, "It is time for him to step down." read more>>>
After abandoning the main missions, and world help, for why we even sent the military into that region!!
Iraq War: 190,000 lives, $2.2 trillion
Brown University: 'Costs of War' Project - Among the group’s main findings:
*The Iraq War will ultimately cost U.S. taxpayers at least $2.2 trillion. Because the Iraq war appropriations were funded by borrowing, cumulative interest through 2053 could amount to more than $3.9 trillion.
* The $2.2 trillion figure includes care for veterans who were injured in the war in Iraq, which will cost the United States almost $500 billion through 2053. much more>>>
You can read the papers leading to downloads of each report at, Iraq: 10 Years After Costs of War
“We are dealing with veterans, not procedures—with their problems, not ours.” —General Omar Bradley, First Administrator of the Veterans Administration
"If military action is worth our troops’ blood, it should be worth our treasure, too — not just in the abstract, but in the form of a specific ante by every American." -Andrew Rosenthal 10 Feb. 2013
"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today." - Abraham Lincoln
No Revenues = Still No Sacrifice = That's Called 'Support' For The Troops = DeJa-Vu all over again!!
Neither war nor especially the results of, decades to come added to previous decades and wars of, have been paid for as the abandoned, and now forgotten, continues as those sent want in a drawdown to accomplish at least a very small portion of those main missions sent to accomplish!!
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