What should have started long ago, the present VA Administration has been playing catch up along with the present Executive Cabinet and a few in Congress the past four years and Congress the two prior too, but especially as the Country sent the Military into two more wars, long occupations of others again, while very little thought, DeJa-Vu all over again, givin as to the results of these wars by those who control the purse and found no problem rubber stamping war costs on the countries credit card, those who give the orders for wars and especially the Country served, again!
January 24, 2013 - The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is using a digital Web-based system to process veterans’ disability claims, replacing its antiquated paper files in an effort to reduce the backlog of nearly 24,000 cases.
Tommy Sowers, the VA assistant secretary for public and intergovernmental affairs, said during a news conference in the Ward Federal Building that 18 regional VA offices, including the one in Winston-Salem, have adopted the Veterans Benefits Management System.
“It’s moving basically from a 19th century, paper based, huge files to into something like Gmail, like something that you would work with normally, Sowers said. “The whole goal on this is to bring innovation to this process, and quit kicking this can down road.”
VA officials will use this system with the goal of eliminating the backlog of veterans’ cases by 2015, Sowers said. The VA will use the system in its remaining 38 regional offices during this year.
The system will cost $700 million the federal government over five years, said Cheryl Rawls, the director of the city’s VA office.
“We are making an investment in our veterans,” Sowers said. “That’s the right thing to do.” read more>>>
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