October 08, 2012 - A pair of West Point graduates with a combined over three decades of military service said Romney's speech was short sighted.
Automatically Generated TranscriptThe Obama campaign had a pair career military men in Lexington for rebuttal retired lieutenant colonel bin Webb of Virginia veterans for Obama. And captain Terrence sins the second both West Point graduates as governor Romney missed the mark on many aspects of speech. Such as possibly arming the rebels of the series.
Syria is a very complex situation had to run -- to a -- law. Putting the lives of our military men and women at risk without. Using every other every other possible alternative. It is irresponsible.
Lieutenant colonel Webb also said the president's policy on Afghanistan was practical and sound.
Romney is a day anything candidate in the Russian Afgahanistan war we supplied the rebels and look look what that got us. I feel Romney is worse then we already have. He should think twice before committing our Brothers and Sisters I'm the armed forces. To another half hazard war.