No Revenues {nor private capital economic investments, free market capitalism} = No Sacrifice = No Support = DeJa-Vu all over again!. Now a decade and counting, told to go shopping, added to the previous decades of under funding the VA, while the peoples reps Still try and lay blame on the Agency, after rubber stamping, deficits started rising as surplus was depleted Before 9/11, wars and costs, off the books till the present exec. admin. and borrowed, of and those represented cheered on these wars!
August 29, 2012 - We've written before about the "unfinished business" of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan... caring for thousands of vets who are coming home after multiple tours with symptoms of PTSD or other disabilities.
Vets seeking benefits to help with their disabilities can face long wait times.
Thanks to a new analysis released today by the Center for Investigative Reporting, we can get a sense for how long those wait times are.
In our area, veterans applying for disability benefits wait an average of 319 days for a decision from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs regional office in downtown Detroit. That's longer than the national average of 257 days. read more>>>
While the wealthy and other investors garner their booty, still, from both and many have the chutz·pa to call themselves more patriotic{?} then others wrapped in those false flags, using false slogans and various cheap symbols of and then seek one day events or parades to wave all that patriotism, call it "Supporting the Troops", then go home and either ignore or forget about those that actually sacrificed for the country!
The new 'magnetic ribbons', the 'parades' and 'welcome home celebrations', with no demand for sacrifice get same results, but 'parades' only last a few hours on one day! Think 'Desert Storm' and 'Gulf War Syndrome', Ignored till the last couple of years, finally, after the 'Parades'! Have the 'Welcome Home Parades' but at each the one word that should be spoke and on the minds of All, 'Sacrifice', Demand It, You Owe It!
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