August 21, 2012 - Australian mining companies are head-hunting U.S. war veterans to work Down Under as electricians, carpenters and heavy equipment operators.
Australian exports of minerals such as gold, iron ore, oil, gas and coal have more than tripled in the past decade to $190.5 billion last year, with China accounting for a third of the total, according to the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Additionally, dozens of new mines are planned but, with a population of just 22 million, there aren’t enough skilled Australian workers to fill all of the jobs being created.
snip Despite President Obama’s efforts to encourage more government and private sector hiring of veterans, the unemployment rate for those who served in the post-9/11 era remains high. Last month, 8.9 percent of recent veterans were out of work, which is better than previous years but still above the overall U.S. unemployment rate.
Australian government officials, employment consultants and mining company representatives believe U.S. veterans have some of the skills they need and have been attending job fairs in places like Houston and Detroit in recent months to woo them. read more>>>
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