30 August 2012 - David Zielinski was a "Blue Water Sailor" who served at sea, never stepping foot on land.
"As soon as I turned 17, I enlisted,” Zielinski said. “We were right out in the waters outside Vietnam, protecting the waters from any ships or anything else, any enemy ships or planes coming in. We were like the protectors in the waters."
On shore, Dave's comrades faced a jungle. To clear away foliage, the military dumped millions of gallons of Agent Orange -- a chemical experts now link to several diseases. The U.S. government acknowledges that men with "boots on the ground" were likely affected. Those stationed on vessels nearby, who believe they were exposed through the air or water supply, are still fighting for equal benefits.
“As me being a Navy man, being out to sea...when we run out of water, we'd convert salt water into fresh water. We'd shower with it; we'd drink it; we'd eat it,” Zielinski continued. read more>>>
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