If you were a subscriber like me you had to be wondering who all these folks were sending you e-mails, same article report in subject line, and why they thought you sent it to them on Monday. Well as suspected it was a glitch in their list serv.
July 03, 2012 - The Veterans Administration finally has an explanation for why subscribers to its List Serve (including myself), kept getting copied in on Unsubscribe requests and sundry irate messages from other subscribers all day Monday. Turns out the problem was caused by a “glitch” in the settings for the subscriber list that caused unsubscribe requests and message replies to be sent to everyone on the subscriber list,“We apologize for the confusion and the concern this error has caused for those of you on the subscriber list,” a statement from the VA Media Office noted today.
“In the last few days, subscribers wishing to be removed from the list serve replied to the original message they received regarding news releases,” the statement aid. “Unbeknownst to them, when they clicked on the reply button, the list serve address was entered in the “to” line of the message. When they clicked on send, their message was sent to the entire subscriber list. Subsequent replies often repeated the process.”
The result was quite interesting to watch on Monday when a few subscribers asked they be removed from the list serve after receiving a press release about the VA selecting a location for a new VA hospital in Louisville, KY. read more>>>
Apology accepted!!!
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