July 28, 2012 - Today is neither Veterans Day nor Memorial Day – the two days each year when all Americans pause to reflect on the service and sacrifice of our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen.
That doesn’t mean we don’t appreciate our service members, our veterans and their families every day. But a smaller and smaller part of the American population serves in our all-volunteer military. And more and more of us grew up in families – or even communities – where almost no one around us wore the uniform, either. It’s increasingly easy to feel disconnected from our military, and often hard to figure out exactly what we can offer the men and women who serve (in addition to our gratitude).
I didn’t serve in the military. But the time I’ve spent around our troops – both on USO tours and in my capacity as a senator – has been a gift and an inspiration. And visiting with veterans and military families around Minnesota always reminds me, as I hope reading this will remind you, that there’s no wrong day (and no shortage of ways) to give back.
When I talk to veterans, the issue I hear about most is unemployment. Without a job, it’s almost impossible to re-integrate into your community and transition into a new phase of your life. And, sadly, the unemployment rate among post-9/11 veterans in Minnesota has been much higher than the state average.
That’s why, if you own a business or make hiring decisions, I encourage you to take a chance on a veteran. read more>>>
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