July 31, 2012 - The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is proud to announce a new partnership to use health information exchange technology, which will improve the quality of care and delivery of medical treatment to local Veterans, especially those returning from recent conflicts. Western New York is one of 13 communities in the United States selected by VA to participate in the Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record (VLER) Health Communities Program.
Participating physicians from VA, private practices and hospitals across Western New York will be able to access critical health information for their Veteran patients through HEALTHeLINK, Western New York's clinical information exchange.
"The VLER program is aimed at creating a more convenient and comprehensive medical, personnel and benefits record for all Veterans, in addition to creating a seamless transition from military to civilian life," said Brian G. Stiller, director of VA Western New York (WNY) Healthcare System. "One of our priorities is to eliminate the need for our Veteran patients to carry paper copies of their health records to private providers. The information will be accessible with a Veteran's consent from military to VA to private-sector health care." read more>>>
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