DeJa-Vu, has anyone, outside of this Governments executive branch doing more then they are limited in doing, heard the Country demand they finally sacrifice after a decade of not, told to go shopping as the deficits started growing adding two wars and long occupations to that and a tax cut was signed, especially for the already wealthy, me neither and that's added to the previous decades of waging wars but underfunding the VA!
So what's left, the caring groups around the country fighting for donations and veterans helping each other when they can!
$6.26 million project will house 18 formerly homeless vets
Jun 11, 2012 - Griswold, Conn. — Dozens of area veterans on Monday stood alongside local, state and national government and military leaders to formally open the American Legion Veterans Housing in Jewett City.
The home is the first of its kind in the country, mixing living space for homeless veterans with a refurbished American Legion Post 15. The post’s common areas are the only parts of the building still incomplete.
Bill Czmyr, who started The American Legion Veterans Housing Inc. (TALVHI) project a decade ago, told the crowd it would give veterans a second chance.
“Somewhere in life, they made a wrong turn, hit a bump or just made a wrong choice,” Czmyr said. “The veterans need our help to get back on track. This is our responsibility.”
While one in 12 United States residents are veterans, one in three homeless people have served in the military, said Eric Chatman, executive director of the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority, whose $3.8 million grant financed more than half of the $6.26 million project. He said the disproportionate number of homeless veterans is a national priority.
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