No Revenues = No Sacrifice = No Support = DeJa-Vu all over again!. Now a decade and counting, told to go shopping, added to the previous decades of under funding the VA, while the peoples reps Still try and lay blame on the Agency, after rubber stamping wars and costs of and those represented cheer on these wars!
The Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts were drawn down, then in Iraq at the end of last year the rest of the U.S. Military occupation forces were totally withdrawn thus officially ending that conflict while the Afghan conflict was still in slow withdrawal as the soldiers seek to at least accomplish some of the main mission abandoned years back with the full support of the american public. A feat they and some others understand is an impossibility especially with the war atrocities committed by a few as well as the innocents killed and maimed in operations continued, wiping out any good done, DeJa-Vu the lessons of Vietnam not learned.
Thus rapidly, once again, raising the numbers and needs, bloated already from the recent previous years, as many of these soldiers discharged into our ranks of this countries Veteran population, while many issues were accomplished by congress, the 110th and 111th, that weren't done in the previous two as they rubber stamped costs for both of these, the blatant obstruction then hindered but got worse in the 112th and present congress while the peoples reps, and veterans, continue to lay blame on the Agency of which it's the citizens responsibility to fully fund and doing nothing the whole past decade for an already underfunded responsibility of the previous decades! The agency will once again see a rapid rise in needs as Afghanistan continues the draw down and added to cuts in the Military force numbers which will headline as a peace time structure in the next couple of years
April 25, 2012 - Over the past five years, the Department of Veterans Affairs says, the number of former service members seeking mental health services has climbed by a third. In response, the agency has boosted funding and tightened standards.
Now, any vet asking for help is supposed to be evaluated within 24 hours and start treatment within two weeks. The VA has claimed that happens in the vast majority of cases, but a new investigation by the agency's inspector general says the VA statistics are skewed to make wait times appear shorter.
Paul Rieckhoff of the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America says that is not surprising.
"It illustrates, in incredible clarity, how dysfunctional the VA system is right now for thousands of veterans around the country," he says.
The inspector general's report says, rather than starting the clock from the moment a vet asks for mental health care, the VA has been counting from whenever the first appointment became available. That could add weeks or months to the wait time. read more>>>
One need can be filled by those who better understand combat PTS, those who served, as it was after we came home from Vietnam and the Country ignored us, is if many of the returning soldiers when discharging and seeking to use the 21st Century GI Bill to further their education would seek education and the needed degree's, certificates etc. in the professions that would fulfill the needs thus helping the civilians in same increase their needed numbers and better understand PTS in the civilian population! This is one issue that Rieckhoff, and the IAVA leadership, should be mentioning as to the IAVA membership as that grows as well, along with the no sacrifice by the country for a decade, instead of going down the road, long traveled already, of some of the long standing established national veterans groups who are more reactive then proactive and quickly attack the agency instead of the government representatives who are hired to speak for their people.
While the wealthy and other investors garner their booty, still, from both and many have the chutz·pa to call themselves more patriotic{?} then others wrapped in those false flags, using false slogans and various cheap symbols of and then seek one day events or parades to wave all that patriotism, call it "Supporting the Troops", then go home and either ignore or forget about those that actually sacrificed for the country!
NOBODY...........Has paid for the two present wars of choice, that's what deficits are, one still ongoing after abandoning the main mission years back, Wars of Choice and not one dime as to the Results of nor is Anyone Demanding To!!
While the Wars were off the books, till the present admin. put em back, and everyone condemns the Veterans Administration, especially in Congress and the State Houses!
We're still only paying the interest on the billions borrowed!!
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