March 9, 2012 - Three veterans groups are seeking class-action status for a lawsuit they filed in 2009 against the Defense Department, the CIA and the Army on behalf of thousands of soldiers who participated in research programs at Edgewood Arsenal and Fort Detrick, the trade publication U.S. Medicine reported.
The lawsuit alleges that chemical and biological weapons were tested on soldiers, that the military failed to provide follow-up care for the symptoms they developed, and that nearly all disability claims related to the tests have been denied.
CNN reported about the tests earlier this month, prompting some former soldiers to share their experiences with the network. One was given sarin gas and its antidotes, along with other injections that remain a mystery, and later was found to have damage to his heart. Another developed Parkinson's disease that he blames on the numerous injections and pills he was given at Edgewood; he was never told what they contained. read more>>>
i March 9, 2012 - "My MEDVOL number is 6856. I was at Edgewood Arsenal from January 1975 to April 1975."With those words, Stephen Coffman reached out to CNN last week after seeing its stories about Edgewood Arsenal, where the Army conducted top-secret drug and chemical tests on soldier volunteers.
Coffman was just 22 years old when he was recruited for testing at Edgewood, one of about 7,000 soldiers who took part in the program from 1955 to 1975. The Army field computer operator says that in December 1974, Edgewood Arsenal recruiters came to Fort Campbell, Kentucky, where he was stationed and told him he could help design the new field artillery computer system. read more>>>
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