Washington, DC Wednesday, February 29, 2012
The President and first lady will host a dinner tonight honoring veterans of the Iraq war and their families. The White House said that service members of all ranks and services, and from each of the 50 states, will attend the dinner.
Combat operations in Iraq officially ended in August, with the final U.S. troops leaving in December. A small contingent of troops remain in Iraq to protect the U.S. embassy and provide other support. Around 4,500 U.S. soldiers were killed in Iraq with thousands more wounded.
USA Today reports that the White House invited more than 200 guests, who will represent the 1.5 million troops who fought in Iraq over the nine year war. First Lady Michelle Obama chose the plight of military families as one of her core causes during her husband's 2008 presidential campaign.
Would be very interesting to see the numbers on who tunes in to C-Span, and I'm sure the White will also stream at least the beginning of this dinner, to say the numbers of those who watched the Monday night delayed Daytona 500 NASCAR race, as I doubt, though they might surprise, that any of the national channels will air this. Now wouldn't it!
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