And frankly education and the whole civilian population, most of that in the population comes from the not wanting to pony up as to the results of our wars of choice, meme's 'Support the Troops', after they cheer them on and send others, the other 1%.
But this report focuses on the experience from serving in the military, in any branch and not even sent into the theaters, verses the corporate mentality, and so called higher education, especially of the past some thirty years. I often have wondered what the hell they're teaching in these classrooms of the higher education industry now which came about with the new capitalism model of top down economics, business, journalism, law, other professions, and we've seen what comes from that education. Mostly from those who network for connections during and do same for advancing within businesses. Just look around at the banking industry, the investment industry, the mortgage industry, the political theater, the list goes on and on, while real work trades are either gone, from what our parents had performed and built after WWII, or denigrated to just labor levels and not as professions with the common sense and critical thoughts to solve problems almost instantly needed to perform as well as understand a business executive, or engineers and architects needs and wants within a business structure not far removed from chain of command military.
December 1, 2011 - The jobless rate has declined a bit in the last year, but among veterans who served in conflict since 2003, it is increasing. The unemployment rate for vets serving since the Iraq war began has risen 1.5 percentage points to more than 12 percent in the past year.
Many veterans say they face a tougher job market than civilians. Tom Tarantino spent a decade in the military, where he served in Iraq and led a platoon. But when he separated from the military in 2007, he spent nearly a year looking for a job.
Tarantino says that although corporate America says it wants to hire vets, so far it's amounted to little more than talk.
"This is the first generation of business leaders in America that's largely never served in the military," he says.
As a result, he says, vets and prospective employers often don't see eye-to-eye. Tarantino says he once explained to an interviewer that he'd been a company commander in the military, running an organization with 400 employees and three multimillion-dollar budgets.
"The next sentence [the interviewer] said was, 'Well, you know, if you took this job you might run a group of up to 30 people. Do you think you could handle that level of responsibility?' "
Tarantino says it's not just the cultural disconnect. Military drivers and medics, for example, aren't automatically licensed to do the same job in the private sector once they leave the military. That makes the job transition harder.
Tarantino is now a legislative advocate for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. He says he hopes the recently enacted Hire Heroes Act will provide more counseling and vocational training. It also gives tax incentives to employers who hire vets.
"You're able to plan, you're able to supervise the execution of that plan, you know how to work well within a team — not only within the team, but in charge of the team," Workman says.
He thought attaining the rank of captain would be like getting an advanced degree.
"This is what the Army was telling me," he says. "The pitch was: That is essentially equivalent to a master's degree, in the eyes of an employer."
But since returning in 2006, Workman hasn't found any job requiring a college degree. Last month, he was laid off from a bookstore. Workman says employers seem worried that vets might be struggling with PTSD or other injuries that might affect their work.
"I get that sort of trepidation, that timid, walking on eggshells around certain questions [attitude]," he says.
Veteran's advocate Tarantino says the public, and vets, may be weary of hearing about war. read more>>>
There's a huge disconnect in that 'equivalent' of real education whether in the military training or coming out of the halls of the so called higher education classrooms.
Most of those who now serve as regular military forces in our wars, the National Guard and Reserves come from the private sector, either working in or owning small businesses, the wide ranged military training is just added pluses to that already gained knowledge base of corporate america, much like the ones life education and gained experiences. Those that join and serve in the military are extremely well trained and not only in fighting others in wars, even those infantry soldiers are trained in new products and technology not yet in the private sector, or become leaders of others who they plan and lead into possible dangers to come, as well as the supervisory over equipment and more on bases and forward fire-bases, that's always been, and for most the embedded structures never leave their performance when joining the private sector. Just look at the high tech equipment the soldiers actually fighting are using daily in these two theaters and the way they carry out the needed daily actions thrust into their lives.
Yet they don't receive a piece of paper saying they've graduated from a facility of higher education.
Many have other interests or the curiosity to learn about while even at these fire-bases and they pursue those interests, including higher education.
In today's economic and job market reality people aren't even hired for experience or what they can quickly bring to a business plan, not just military or veteran personal, but by another piece of paper, a resume, if even lucky enough to have someone even look at that. Bringing us back to what the hell are they teaching in the classrooms of higher education, and how do some of those evolve into business leaders?
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