WASHINGTON - December 7, 2011 - Veterans now have on-demand access and can download official data about their military training and experience, which can be used to help them find jobs and continue their careers. Their service data can be uploaded to job search and networking sites to help identify employment opportunities.
“Savvy employers look to Veterans for the excellent training and unique experiences they bring to the civilian workforce,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki. “Now, Veterans can have state-of-the-art access to official data about their military service that we will help them land meaningful jobs.”
Starting Dec. 3, Veterans can use the VA’s online My HealtheVet portal to see official information about their military service, including deployment data, in-uniform experience, and Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) codes which define the type of work performed and skills learned during their tour of duty. Veterans can electronically download that information to their personal computers by using an enhanced version of the Blue Button. This new capability is the latest addition to a growing suite of job-hunting tools announced by President Obama on Nov. 14.
“The President and Secretary Shinseki have shown real leadership on Veterans Employment,” said Dr. Peter L. Levin, chief technology officer at Veterans Affairs. “The White House has been instrumental in guiding this public/private initiative to meet the needs of Veterans, and with promoting web-based services that help Veterans find jobs. With their MOS codes, Veterans can more easily substantiate that they possess the skills needed by employers.”
Several industry partners have signed up to create -- or have even already implemented -- third-party applications that can read military specialties or classification codes in Blue Button format, automatically translate those codes into civilian descriptions, and identify openings and other resources for Veterans, Levin added.
Military job information available to Veterans under this program will depend on discharge or retirement date. read more>>>
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