Now one may ask, and should if a Vet, why this needed a Presidential Executive Order. Well we had one political congressional party that for two years were playing catchup on congressional hearings, investigations and more on Military and Veterans issues that didn't take place in the previous two congresses that rubber stamped two more Wars of Choice and were obstructing everything those two years and these next two. And the next Congress continued that catching up as well as tackling long standing Veterans issues. So in order to get much of anything accomplished it took a Presidential Executive Order. And in the case of allot of advancing in the Veterans Administration Gen. Shinseki had the Recovery Act monies to bolster the VA Budget and accomplished a ton of much needed issues, still much more needs to be done, but that's up to the citizens of this Country, and their reps, who've balked now for decades!
The Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program has worked over the past 20 years to provide assistive technologies to federal employees with disabilities and wounded service members. President Obama sought to provide a viable and accessible avenue between military and civilian employment on November 9, 2010 by signing Executive Order 13518, which lays out the formation of the Veterans Employment Initiative. The initiative targets the efforts to recruit, train and retain veterans as civilian employees in seeking to transform the federal government into the model employer.
Upon inception, Office of Personnel Management Director, John Berry, voiced his support of the initiative and emphasized its importance in saying, "President Obama strongly believes in honoring the service of our veterans and he sees this initiative as an opportunity to put some real muscle behind the promise. The strong sense of patriotism and public service held by members of our armed forces doesn't leave them when they exit from active duty. It benefits our government to seize this opportunity to utilize their skills and dedication to service."
Following the policy and procedures outlined in the executive order, an interagency advisory board, Council on Veterans Employment, was created as a resource to the President and the Director of OPM - chaired by Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis and Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki. In striving to become the model employer for veterans and persons with disabilities, this cooperation enables the sharing of resources amongst agencies, preparing hiring managers and human resources personnel to be well informed of the needs of transitioning military and the current vacancies within their agencies. {continued}
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